Abu Dhabi Investment Authority

  • 网络阿布达比投资局;阿布扎比投资局;阿布扎比投资管理局;比投资局
Abu Dhabi Investment AuthorityAbu Dhabi Investment Authority
  1. The largest is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , established in nineteen seventy-six .


  2. Staffers at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority have also been in close consultation with CIC .


  3. The Abu Dhabi investment authority is believed to be the world 's largest sovereign wealth fund .


  4. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority published its first annual review in March , a step forward for the highly-secretive organisation .


  5. Blackstone is also expected to join forces with Simon and may turn to investors such as the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for additional financial firepower .


  6. When US banks searched the world for rescue capital during the early stages of the financial crisis , the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority was the first leading sovereign wealth fund to provide assistance .


  7. If the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , with an estimated $ 875 billion under management , decided to unwind a big position and nobody knew why , it could start a panic .


  8. Kuwait 's sovereign fund is estimated at $ 200bn , Qatar 's $ 60bn , and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority at $ 500bn to $ 850bn .


  9. A number of SWFs , including the Future Fund and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , the world 's biggest , then worked on a set of industry guidelines , known as the Santiago Principles , to improve transparency and governance .


  10. The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , one of the world 's largest sovereign wealth funds , filed an arbitration claim against Citi , saying it had been misled when it invested $ 7.5bn in the bank two years ago .


  11. The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority ( adia ) - widely thought to be the largest sovereign wealth fund - was set up in the mid-1970s , and has been a powerful force in the equity and fixed-income markets for decades .


  12. More than 90 per cent of the UAE 's hydrocarbons resources are in Abu Dhabi , which also boasts one of the world 's largest sovereign wealth funds , the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , which invested $ 7.5bn in Citigroup in November 2007 .
